Head On Photo Festival Sydney | May 2020

The festival originally planned for May 2020 was postponed due to the Corona crisis. Alternatively, an extensive online program was held thanks to the dedicated festival team around Moshe Rosenzveig. According to the organizers, Head On(line) has become the first fully online photo festival in the world! I took part in this with an artist talk, which was broadcasted online via webinar on May 13th 2020. Watch the recording of my presentation here. Unfortunately there is no recording of the introduction by Moshe Rosenzweig and the following question and answer session. But you are very welcome to contact me by email at look[at]christoph-franke-art.com. In the video I tell about the development and approach of my two photo series "Nightwalk" and "Stamm".

Nightwalk slideshow with sound starts at about minute 6:45 Stamm

Making of slideshow starts at about minutes 11:35