Pingyao International Photo Festival China | Sep 2018
Christoph Frankes work has been selected for the exhibitions at the 18th annual Pingyao International Photography Festival (PIP), China's largest photography festival in the imperial city of Pingyao. The official exhibition poster shows up with a photograph of the Tree Crowns series. For more information and images please click on the image below.
Exhibition curator Dominique Charlet from Paris has chosen the creations of 10 photographers under the theme Echos.
The participating artist are: Pawel Bogumil, Simona Bonanno, Fredérique Bouet, Benjamin Didier, Christoph Franke, Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze, Mariska Karto, Liliroze, Gilles Perrin and Kris Seraphin-Lange.
The festival, running from Sept. 19-25, has photographers from over 23 countries on display. A UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site, the walled city of Pingyao is transformed into a massive combination indoor and outdoor gallery.
“The PIP festival is one of the most interesting photo festivals in the world. All types of photography are on exhibit there. It is a very exciting environment for anyone interested in photography.” With more than 225,000 people attending, the seven-day festival is an excellent chance for the exhibitors to share their powerful work with a broad, engaged audience.
See my contribution and the ones of my colleagues for the group exhibition ECHOS in the old diesel engine factory below.
@ Charlet Photographies | Jun 2018
Read this in EnglishIch freue mich, meine neue Kooperation in Frankreich bekanntgeben zu können: Ab sofort vertritt die Galerie Charlet Photographies in Paris meine künstlerischen Arbeiten exklusiv für den französischen Markt. Inhaber Dominique…
Galerieausstellung Atelier Alen | Okt 2018
Im Wald mit Arbeiten von Christoph Franke, Masaki Hagino, Tanja Hirschfeld und Anatoly Rudakov. Die Ausstellung läuft bis zum 21. Dezember 2018.